Ancient memories of the last reset coming to the surface...
Through these posts we offer keys to an expanded perspective on reality.
Allow your Heart to remember what you once knew.
Ancient energies are being uprooted from the planet and our consciousness...
Many Starseeds find themselves shape-shifting back into their higher/ancient aspects...
The Atlantean timelines became seed points, creating a karmic trajectory to many other timelines.
Anchoring the Christed Light.
Revealing our true identity.
Forging a place where our clear consciousness can abide.
Through our darkness we birth our Light.
The celebrations have began.
What does it mean to be creators of our own reality?
How can we intepret our many lives from a higher perspective?
As our consciousness evolve, we get glimpses of paradoxical concepts that our ordinary mind struggles to grasp.
Understand why a heart centred awareness is the key to our awakening.
Discover the benefits of a regular meditative practice.