It is my deepest wish that these words can encapsulate the purity of
the essence of these precious sessions with Lola.
With Lola, you feel completely safe and, like the best Himalayan
trekker, she Guides you gently to places subtle and deep within you.
There you experience Lola’s 'Spiritual Midwife' qualities, as you
unfurl, discover and birth so many different multi-dimensional
experiences and aspects of You; frequently leaving you speechless and
basking in Bliss.
Each session so unique, all soulfully healing. Lola is with you,
experiencing with you, each step of the way, as you open up to even
greater Love.
In just a handful of sessions, I feel and am a completely different
person, my energy totally transformed. From taking myself out of my
physical body, as a way of coping, most of my life, I feel so
grounded, safe and nourished, comfortable in my own skin. My intuition
is just growing from strength to strength and my gifts and talents are
being remembered. My heart space is vast and sacred. I’m remembering
why I came and why I chose this particular “ mud” with which to grow!
I feel so connected, each session eagerly anticipated.
So if you are ready to discover who you really are; why you came and
chose this particular life; and are prepared to allow yourself to feel
vulnerable, heal and feel the love and respect the Universe has for
you; then I would highly recommend you book some sessions with this
amazing, talented and deeply loving Soul.
Laura from Scotland
Ones gets the impression that Lola has been doing healing work for
many lifetimes.
My first session with Lola was in the evening and from the moment I
woke up that morning the session had already started.
I was guided to do all sorts of things not on my 'list' for the day,
and thankfully I surrendered to the new agenda.
I do not know if it was Lola's guides or my guides working with hers
or something larger still, but everything that happened to me that day
was preparing me for some of the deepest and most profound healing
work in my life to date.
Throughout my life there have been hints, sometimes from other
healers, that something from my early years was impacting the fabric
of my life.
Lola went right to it.
More importantly she let me find it myself, supporting my heart and
consciousness with her loving, clear and skilled energy.
Lola's energetic skills can help you identify, energetic aspects of
yourself that are floating outside of you, and that are asking to be
heard and returned home to your heart.
As these 'stories' are remembered and energetically reintegrated, with
loving kindness and ease, one can experience feeling empowered,
energized, and whole again.
These sessions are the ultimate sacred journey back to Self.
Lola is a brilliantly and skillful spiritual surgeon.
Perhaps more importantly one feels that the healing energies
themselves, however they may turn up, as guides or angels or soul's or
Source, really enjoy working with Lola too.
Put sessions with Lola on your bucket list.
Kim from Canada
There is a sacred journey awaiting all of us, the awakening of our
heavenly selves into physical manifestation. While much of our
practice on this path to consciousness is spent in an effort to
achieve a knowing of this divine life, the reality is "we are already
that which we seek".
Lola’s work has been another tool for uncovering this divine essence
in me that seeks to manifest.
Each session has left me feeling more of my heavenly self. Every time
I journey with Lola I understand and accept more of the eternal,
omnipresent, unconditional love that is my birthright as a human
being. My own innate gifts are expanded and empowered. These inner
divine treasures of my heart are brought into a clearer focus to
become a more tangible knowing. With my new awareness of the
depth of who I truly am, my life has literally transformed!
Everything in my current life has been (what I like to call) ‘upgraded
and brought online’ with the celestial universe.
When Lola and I walk together into the expansive space of my heart,
original and sacred pieces of my soul are
revealed to me. Sometimes we journey to ancient imprints. These are
places in my heart that have left their mark on my present reality and
are not currently serving me. The wisdom from my own soul self will
then release all their effects into the tender hands of the divine.
The energy and space taken up by the imprint now becomes available for
me to use and I can then experience higher and deeper vibrational
understandings within myself. Sometimes dimensional aspects of my
being that are (as yet) unknown and universal are revealed to me.
These energies have been patiently waiting to be discovered and
introduced. As I allow them the freedom to come forward, and we become
acquainted, they are integrated into my currently reality. From this
latest awareness of self I am forever changed and expanded. This fresh
frequency of our merger is now embodied in me and that’s where the fun
begins! Everyday becomes an opportunity to live the delightful magic
of my new self with tangible results.
The process is different for everyone as Lola gently and effortlessly
guides one into the deeper realms of the heart and body. Through these
sessions she has taught me how to access for myself these inner realms
and aspects of my being. In combining my practice of meditation,
mindfulness, self-reflection and my sessions with Lola, I have gained
extremely powerful keys to travel the heavens of my being.
With my passion for accession, these divine experiences and sessions
with Lola have been truly transformational.
For me she is a teacher’s teacher and I am forever in deep
appreciation of her gifts!
However she can show anybody who is passionate about expanding and
going deep into their heart space how to enter and speak directly with
their soul!
Linda from the United States
I am a lawyer and historian.
In 22 years of research into the ancient texts, I have never witnessed
someone turn my biggest dreams into reality, so laughingly, in just
one 60 minute session.
Glenn from Canada
I had a meditation session with Lola today.
It was such a wonderful experience, Lola has such a gentle way, as she
talks and guides you through the meditation in a very calming way,
making you feel so very relaxed.
She is very receptive to your energy and is, I would say, spot on with
I really enjoyed the whole experience, I felt so much benefit from
this healing, feeling so relaxed and amazing after her meditation
Lola is very gifted in what she does.
I would highly recommend her.
Janet from England